Krmit the Frog Funny Faces Cute Mario
Cute Mario Bros. is a plush and puppet webseries created by Tyler Zannon aka MarioMario8989 and Kenny "Ricky" Hawksworth aka LuigiMario112, that ran between 2006 and 2020. It features toy versions of Mario and Luigi (Mario as a plastic figure and Luigi as a plush) going on random and guaranteed hilarious adventures. The premise originally was very much just playtime recorded on camera, using other characters from different franchises, most notably Jack Skellington, Kermit the Frog and Gonzo (who were both villains, although Kermit reformed), Pikachu, and Mickey Mouse himself. Original characters played by Tyler and Ricky themselves were EHH Guy and YOU! Guy, who were just them in black hoodies who served as hilariously incompetent Psychos for Hire.
It is known for pioneering the Mario plush-themed video genre, being one of the longest series in the genre, and predating the more iconic and popular creator of plush videos SuperMarioLogan aka Logan Thirtyacre.
Tropes appearing in this series:
- Adaptational Jerkass: Mario is depicted as a selfless, heroic big good in the games. In the Cute Mario Bros series, he's portrayed as a selfish jerk.
- Adaptational Villainy: The Muppets, Kermit the Frog and Gonzo, of all characters, appear as villains in this series.
- Back to the Early Installment: In "The Blue Terror", following a time travel sequence, Mario, Luigi and Gonzo are brought back in time to the events of the first episode of the series.
- Berserk Button:
- Don't EVER get Mario a fruitcake for Christmas.
- The E.T. video game is also one for Mario, as he gets angry and smashes the cartridge with a hammer after playing it.
- Big Damn Heroes: At the climax of "The Blue Terror", Mickey saves Mario and Luigi from getting lowered into lava after they had been captured by Gonzo.
- Black Comedy: In "The First Movie", Mario mistakenly thought that Luigi was sleeping with a noose around his neck.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Happens a lot.
- Bring My Brown Pants: Mario soils his pants while trying to warm up a Koopa egg in "Find Koopa!"
- Butt-Monkey: Jack Skellington, Luigi at times.
- Catchphrase: "I dot dot."
- The Chew Toy: Jack.
- Creator Cameo / Author Avatar: The Ehh and YOU Guy.
- Crossover: Lots of non-Mario characters appear in the series, including Jack Skellington, Mickey Mouse, and Kermit the Frog.
- Curb-Stomp Battle: In "The Blue Terror", Gonzo enters the home of the Mario Brothers and even boasts about how easily he'll be defeating the two. Just as the fight begins to break out, Gonzo chickens out and escapes after Luigi hits him with a weak kick and farts at him.
- Darker and Edgier: Overtime, the series has become much darker and takes itself more seriously.
- Deadpan Snarker: Luigi.
- Deserted Island: In "Summer Fun 3", Mario and Luigi get trapped on a island for months, and it caused Mario to go insane.
- Differently Dressed Duplicates: Shadow Mario and Luigi in "The First Movie".
- Face–Heel Turn: Played for Laughs in "Mail Time! Episode 2", where Mickey reads a letter that he should turn evil and fight the Mario bros; he does just that and is defeated almost immediately.
- Jerkass / Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Mario. Sure he is frequently mean to Luigi and his own friends, but deep down, he cares about them.
- Knight of Cerebus: Gonzo in the Third Movie is depicted as a more serious villain than Bowser and Kermit combined, and played in an even darker light than his appearance in "The Blue Terror".
- Long Runner: Discounting hiatuses, this series ran for the better part of 14 years, far longer than most of its contemporaries.
- Running Gag: Mario's love for Pizza.
- Luigi waking up in random places.
- Every time Mario and Luigi obtain a new handheld or console from Nintendo, they say the previous one sucks.
- Luigi being convinced he's a green monster. He also thought he was the blue monster in "The Blue Terror", despite not being blue.
- Random characters coming out of nowhere in "The Blue Terror".
- Sampling: Uses some musical works, notable examples is from Bond, Daft Punk and System of a Down.
- The series also uses a song from DanceDanceRevolution as an opening for their second movie.
- Sanity Slippage: In "Summer Fun 3", Mario thinks Luigi is pizza and tries to eat him.
- Shout-Out: From The Lord of the Rings to A Clockwork Orange to Oklahoma! of all things!
- Superstition Episode: In "Luigi's Bad Luck" Luigi does various things said to bring bad luck, such as opening an umbrella indoors and spilling salt. Predictably, this leads to a spate of strange events befalling him. This is subverted when it is revealed that Jack did those various things to Luigi like hitting him with a shoe and trapping him in the freezer.
- Taking the Bullet: In "The Blue Terror", Kermit sacrifices himself to save Mario and Luigi from Gonzo's attack.
- Time Travel: Utilized in "The Blue Terror", where Mario and Luigi find themselves in the original Super Mario Bros. before ending up in the year 2007 along with Gonzo.
- Trademark Favourite Food: Pizza for Mario.
- Uncanny Family Resemblance: Cousin Malleo looks just like Mario. Lampshaded by Luigi.
"Uh, I think I've been eating too many mushrooms."
- Urine Trouble: In "Find Koopa".
Mario: If the sun is shining, how come my bed is wet? ...oh crap.
- Vacation Episode: The Summer Fun! series made up of these, where the Mario Brothers go to the park, camp out in the woods, and get stranded on a deserted island.
- Vomit Indiscretion Shot: Near the end of "The Blue Terror", Luigi pukes behind a nearby rock at the sight of Kermit's dead body.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Luigi reveals a lot of his fears in "The Blue Terror"; they include things such as mirrors, radios, horses, and even himself.
- He even shown to have a fear of balloons of all things in "Luigi's Birthday".
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